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Ford joins Qualcomm, Nokia and other test vehicle networking technologies

According to media reports, Ford (Ford rear camera interface) announced that it will jointly test cellular modems with Qualcomm, AT&T, and Nokia, which can connect cars to other vehicles and surrounding infrastructure, enabling navigation in areas with severe weather and complex environments, etc.

Ford said on Tuesday that the test will be conducted in San Diego at the end of this year, claiming to be the first in the United States. Similar tests have been conducted in Europe.

Known as the cellular V2X, this technology is intended to connect cars with traffic lights, street lights, and share real-time driving condition information with other vehicles. This technology can improve the safety of driving and accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles.

Ford's cars will be powered by Qualcomm's hardware, while Qualcomm's hardware is driven primarily by AT&T's 4G LTE cellular data traffic network and Nokia's computing technology.

Don Butler, executive director of Ford Intelligent Networking Automotive and Services, said in his speech: "C-V2X technology provides a reliable path for the development of autonomous driving technology and vehicle mobility."

Ford is currently deploying driver assistance technology to its models in the hope of launching the L4 self-driving car in 2021. CEO Jim Hackett said last week that Ford will test autonomous vehicles in "somewhere" next year. Hackett previously planned to deploy modem interworking technology to all Ford models in the United States before 2019.


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